Slow boot speed is a common problem that a user faces on a daily basis while using computers. This problem can be occurred in computers without virus.
You do not have to worry about such problems. Ways to solve this problem is simple.
Those are:
Keep the Desktop Clean
The easiest way to reduce boot time is to keep your desktop clean. The more files, folders, and programs on computer desktop the longer boot time. You may think that a little folder on the desktop is nothing, but it creates pressure of your computer's boot sequence as well as on RAM and slows down the whole process. However, You do not need to remove everything from the desktop. You can pin your favorite programs on the task bar.
Stop Unnecessary Start Up Programs
Some applications start automatically while the computer is turning on. This is another reason behind longer boot time. So, stop unnecessary start up program.
Clear Temporary Files
Delete the cache and cookies from browser and remove temporary files from your computer.
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